Rabbi Howard Matasar
Sid Brown, President
Claire Garfinkel, Administrator
Rabbi Howard Matasar
Sid Brown, President
Claire Garfinkel, Administrator
We have services this Shabbos Vayakhel.
Candle lighting Erev Shabbos
Friday Mar 21st begins 6:56 pm.
Havdalah at 7:58 pm Saturday evening
Eruv only on shul grounds.
Beloved husband, father, brother, Rabbi and friend
The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at Congregation Zvi Jacob, 110 Memorial Parkway, Utica, New York, 13501, at 2:00 PM, followed by burial at the House of Jacob Cemetery. Due to the celebration of the Sukkot holiday, Shiva will be observed starting on motzei Shabbos, Saturday, October 26, at 7:30 PM and Sunday-Wednesday from 6-8 PM at Congregation Zvi Jacob.
Click image for obituary
Congregation Zvi Jacob is an Orthodox Jewish Synagogue with a history of serving Utica and the Mohawk Valley region in Upstate New York for over a century. Its founding dates back to 1869 with the establishment of the first permanent Orthodox Jewish synagogue in Utica, NY, the House of Jacob. By the early 1900s, several other Orthodox congregations were established including House of Israel, House of David and Tifereth Zvi. In 1950, House of David merged into Tifereth Zvi. Subsequently, in 1979, Tifereth Zvi Congregation and House of Jacob merged to establish the present-day Congregation Zvi Jacob. It is the only Orthodox Jewish synagogue remaining in Utica, New York.
We are a small but active congregation with a good mix of young families and seniors. The past 5 years have seen the arrival of a number of young families which are invigorating the life of the congregation. This includes, in addition to our Ashkenazi congregants, Jewish congregants of Bukharian, Russian, and Spanish-Portuguese origin.
The Congregation oversees several historic and active Jewish cemeteries in the community and its members are active in the life of the local Jewish Community Center.
We provide a home for those seeking to observe the mitzvot on Shabbos and Yom Tovs in an Orthodox Jewish tradition in the Mohawk Valley.
Our shul has a library that includes a vast selection of books on Jewish topics of interest as well as full sets of Talmud Bavli, Mishna, and Midrash. This year Rabbi Matasar has been teaching Tractate Sukkah. He began a class on Ein Yaakov Moed Katan / Chagigah and Tractate Chagigah on April 29, 2023 after services. This class is in memory of the late Dr. David Block, former member whose grandfather taught the class decades ago. Rabbi Charitonow has a weekly Tuesday parsha class as does Dr. Giora Katz.
In the middle of the Mohawk Valley, our community is tight but welcoming of all Jews taking out time during the year to not only daven as a community but also celebrate and build up our bonds as a community
An Orthodox Jewish community in rural Upstate New York sounds like a dying proposition yet we are growing this year celebrating three bar mitzvahs and one bat mitzvah!
Thanks to all who made our Purim celebration joyous
Burrstone Inn
1777 Burrstone Rd, New Hartford, NY 13413 (315) 797-2131
Rosemont Inn Bed & Breakfast
1423 Genesee St, Utica, NY 13501 (315) 797-9033
Airbnb options available within walking distance
Market 32 on Genesee St now has frozen kosher meats. In addition, kosher meats are available at Trader Joe's in Syracuse and once per month, by special order from kosher butcher in Rochester. Please consider patronizing the store for these and other kosher products to insure continued availability of kosher meats in our community